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Saturday 25th August & Sunday 26th August



1. Rules
1.1. The regatta is governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing.
1.2. The Beneteau First 31.7 Ireland One Design Class Association rules shall apply, available at www.317.ie
1.3. Organising authority Royal Irish Yacht Club and the Beneteau First 31.7 Ireland One Design Class Association (the Association).
1.4. Any change to this notice of race may be posted on www.riyc.ie
1.5. PFD must be worn at all times while racing.

2. Advertising
Advertising shall be restricted to Category A.

3. Eligibility and Entry
3.1. The regatta is open to Beneteau First 31.7 boats owned by members of the Association. Boats normally kept outside of the island of Ireland are deemed to be temporary members for this event.
3.2. Eligible boats may enter by completing the entry form on www.riyc.ie to be received not later than by Wednesday 22nd August 2018 to:
Sailing Services Manager, Royal Irish Yacht Club, Dun Laoghaire Harbour, Dublin...
Late entries shall be accepted at the discretion of the Committee.
3.3. Entries shall be accepted subject to verification of the above.

4. Schedule
4.1. The Race Office is situated in the Royal Irish Yacht Club and shall be open on Friday 24th August from 1800 – 1900.
4.2. Six races are scheduled, four on Saturday and two on Sunday.
4.3. The scheduled time of the warning signal for the first race each day is 1055. No warning signal shall be made after 1425 on Sunday.

5. Measurements
A boat may be checked for compliance with class rules at any time by the 31.7 Class Measurer. Boats coming from outside the region must contact the class measurer in advance if they wish to race in the scratch class. All such participants wishing to race scratch shall sign a declaration of compliance with class rules.

6. Sailing Instructions/Facilities
The sailing instructions shall be available online at www.riyc.ie. Hard copies shall be made available to entrants, if required, by contacting the Royal Irish Yacht Club (Tel: 087 9481707)

The Championship Notice Board is located on the deck of the Royal Irish Yacht Club.

Limited berthing may be available to competitors for the event. Bookings in advance to the Sailing Services Manager, phone 087 9481707 or by email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

7. Handicaps
Handicaps shall be posted on the Notice Board. Boats shall be rated by the Committee of the Association.

8. Substitution of Sails
Boats shall show a distinguishing number on each side of the mainsail, which shall be the same as declared on her entry. A boat intending to change a sail number shall give written notice to the race committee before the warning signal of the race concerned. No boat may use the same sail number as another boat in the regatta.

9. Haul-out Restrictions
Boats shall not be hauled out during the regatta, except with and according to the terms of prior written permission of the race committee.

10. Prizes
Prizes shall be awarded to the first three boats in Scratch and Handicap divisions. Perpetual Trophies shall be presented to the winners in Scratch and Handicap divisions. A boat shall not receive a Scratch and a Handicap prize. The Scratch prize shall take precedence.
Individual race prizes will be awarded on Scratch. No boat may win more than 1 individual race prize.

11. Temporary Membership
Competitors and race committee are granted temporary membership of Royal Irish Yacht Club for the duration of the Championship subject only to the provisions of the Club rules for withdrawing or withholding such membership. All competitors are invited to avail of the facilities of the Club.

12. Contacts
Beneteau First 31.7 Ireland One Design Class Association
Frank Heath, Class Captain 01 2812022
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Royal Irish Yacht Club, Dun Laoghaire Harbour, Co. Dublin, Ireland
Tel: 01 2809452 (Main Office)
MOBILE: 0879481707 (Sailing Manager)
Website: www.riyc.ie
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Beneteau 31.7 Championship 2018

Please enter your details for online entry to the Royal Irish Beneteau 31.7 Irish National Championship.

Price is €160.00, with a late entry fee of €20 after 22 August.

First Name *
Last Name *
Phone *
Email *
Name of Boat *
Sail Number *
Hull Colour
DECLARATION I wish to enter the above-named boat in the 2018 31.7 National Championships and I agree to be bound by the Racing Rules of Sailing, the 31.7 Class Rules (where applicable) the Sailing Instructions and all other rules that govern this event. I accept that the participation of the above-named boat in the championships is at my sole and exclusive risk in every respect. By this entry I hereby indemnify the Royal Irish Yacht Club, and their officers, members, servants agents and the 31.7 Class Association in respect of all claims and demands of whatever nature which may be made upon them in connection with or howsoever arising from the participation or intended participation of the above named boat in the championships, and I acknowledge that the Royal Irish Yacht Club and their officers, servants and agents accept no responsibility in respect of loss of life, personal injury or loss of or damage to property which I or any other person may sustain by reason of the participation or intended participation of the above-named boat in these championships or howsoever arising in connection with this event. I confirm that my boat carries adequate valid third party liability insurance cover.
Name of Club *
I accept the Terms and Conditions of the Royal Irish Yacht Club website